New vessel sharing agreement

Maritime transport: the new alliances reshaping global routes

The shipping industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the reorganization of major maritime alliances

The formation of new collaborations among leading global carriers is reshaping routes and international maritime transport operations, with major implications for importers, exporters, and supply chain operators.
tuttofood MILAN 2023


TUTTOFOOD MILAN 2023 event concluded on Thursday.

TuttoFood Milan is one of the largest events dedicated to food and drink in Italy. An event that looks to the future and to development...
GUL Food 2023

GUL Food 2023

It was a great pleasure be at the world’s largest F&B exhibition, Gulfood2023 at Dubai World Trade Centre, bringing together more than 5000 exhibitors from over 120 countries.

Our GDT LOGISTIC SPA team had a wonderful time with our Partners...

GUL Food 2023

WCA Worldwide Conference 2023

It was concluded yesterday  the WCA Worldwide Conference in Singapore, and we were there!

The event took place from 18th to 22nd of february at Sands Expo & Convention Centre (MBS) in Singapore after 3 years of stop because of Covid-19 pandemic...

New Importer's guide

New Importer's guide

It's been published on ASM website the new document "Importer's guide_Document and Declaration Management".

The application "Document Management - Costums Declaration" allows to carry out the consultation of the table summary for accounting purposes and of the sintetic summary of the declaration; more informations about these summarys are avaiable in circular DC n. 22/2022 ...

Porto di La Spezia

Suspension of fees increase for La Spezia Port trasportation

Dear costumers,

referring to our latest communication about the topic, we would lie to infirm you that, after meetings and initiatives undertaken by the Port System Autority of La Spezia for the restoration of adequate service levels of trucking activities,...

Nave tramonto

Continues the decrease of container freight Italy – China

During this week keeps decreasing the decline of fees for 40' boxes transportation between Shangai and Genova. According to Drewry World Container Index, the value of this route in particular has dimished by 5% respect last weeks values.

This net decrease confirm a trend already noticed in the past weeks, even if with less marked vaules, and brings the fee to the 19% less respect the disproportionate ones of the last years...

Porto di La Spezia

Queue at the gate of La Spezia port - fees increase

Dear costumers,

Because of the current situation of congestion, causing queues of heavy vehicles getting in /coming out from La Spezia port terminals, out company will procede in charging the client the same fee of 150 euros/cntr, highlighting it in the invoice under the item "La Spezia Port increase" until...

spedizioni aeree

Air shipments, how will that shape after the pandemic?

There continues to be a decline in demand for air shipments worldwide. Analysis of data collected by Clive suggests that there may already be an initial indication of how the post-pandemic sector will develop, especially regarding the North American market.

Data from May shows an 8% decrease in demand compared to the same month in 2019, pre-COVID-19. Although capacity is recovering from last year (+4%), it is still much lower compared to 2019 (-12%)...


News about EUR1-Digit

As of April 1st, the practice of pre-authorization of certificates will be discontinued, and the request and issuance of EUR1, EUR.MED, and A.TR circulation certificates will continue to be done digitally. Economic operators will be able to operate according to the following procedures:...


Fuel surcharge emergency

Dear customers,

Due to the daily increase in the cost of diesel, which has exceeded €2 per liter and is expected to increase by an additional €0.80 per liter in the coming days, as of March 14, 2022 (transportation date), it is necessary to apply an Emergency Fuel Surcharge of €40/CNTR on all transports carried out by March 31, 2022...


Procedures for issuing circulation certificates EUR1

Further extension until March 31, 2022 for the current procedure concerning the issuance of EUR1/EurMed/ATR circulation certificates. The extension was motivated by the Customs Agency in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic....


Italian port workers strike

For a few days, the main trade unions (Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, and Uiltrasporti) have announced a 24-hour strike of Italian port workers. Along with dockworkers, companies under articles 16, 17, and 18 and employees of port system authorities are also expected to take to the streets.


New TARIC 2022

We would like to inform you that on October 29th, 2021, the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1832was published in the Official Journal of the European Union series L 385. The regulation modifies Annex I of Council Regulation (EEC)...

sciopero porto

Genoa port strike

Dear Costumers,

The situation of union unrest (which began last Monday) remains very difficult, and in fact there is currently a substantial blockage of access to the Prà-PSA Terminal due to spontaneous protests by truck drivers that arose as a result of the ongoing intermittent strike at the terminal and the resulting reduced service capacity...

controlli radiometrici

New extension of radiometric controls

After the postponement last April and in view of the impending deadline set for September 30th, the entry into force of the new regulations regarding radiometric controls on imported goods in Italy has been postponed again, which would extend the subjecting to controls of about "70-80% of goods" arriving...

controlli radiometrici

New customs system in effect in Egypt from 1st october

Starting from October 1st, the new Egyptian Customs system ACI (Advance Cargo Information) will come into effect, aimed at digitizing documents and facilitating commercial exchanges....

GDT Logistic attend at the SIGEP fair 19 /23 January 2019

GDT Logistic attend at the SIGEP fair 19 /23 January 2019

The 11th WCA Worldwide Conference GDT Logistic Spa and Italian Food Logistics Srl, also this year, successfully attended WCA Worldwide Conference (18-22 February, 2019).We are proud to be part of this big family, the world´s largest and most powerful grouping of independent freight forwarders.

SIGEP fair

SIGEP fair

GDT Logistic attend at SIGEP fair 19-23 Jan2uary 2019

10th Worldwide Conference

10th Worldwide Conference

GDT Logistic and Italian Food Logistics Srl are attended to 10th Worldwide Conference (March, 4-8/2018 Singapore)

GDT Logistic
  • Via XII Ottobre 2 int 42, 16121 Genova (GE)

  • +39 010 53.537.11

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    21010 Cardano al Campo (VA)

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GDT Logistic S.p.a - P.Iva 02249120102 - C.C.I.A.A. GE259729
Capitale Sociale € 1.548.008,00

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