News about EUR1-Digit

As of April 1st, the practice of pre-authorization of certificates will be discontinued, and the request and issuance of EUR1, EUR.MED, and A.TR circulation certificates will continue to be done digitally. Economic operators will be able to operate according to the following procedures:


Through the regular procedure, by indicating the appropriate code in box 44 of the export declaration, the certificate is printed and taken to the customs office for validation with a stamp and signature, which is immediate in the case of Automated Control. However, the office has the right to verify the requirements of the certificate even before issuing it. Additionally, the declarant is fully responsible for the fulfillment of the requirements and for the immediate availability of the "exporter's declaration" with the documents proving the preferential origin of the products to be exported.


The facilitated procedure can be requested exclusively by AEO holders of approved location authorization who manifest and demonstrate specific and objective operational difficulties, also related to the distance from the customs office (e.g. travel time of over half an hour), or to the performance of export operations outside the office's operating hours. Requests are evaluated by the customs office in relation to the actual local conditions, as well as the frequency and number of export operations carried out in the previous year. With the facilitated procedure, the operator prints the certificate on a form in their possession previously validated with a stamp and signature by the customs office. The procedure is inhibited in case of detected abuse or irregularities, or if the necessary requirements are no longer met. The office carries out a census of the requesting operator and, upon request, validates a suitable quantity of forms on a daily basis, based on the actual needs. The operator is required to enter the national document code 35YY in the export declaration and to return a copy (carbon copy) of the forms used, as well as eventually unused ones.


For exports to Switzerland, the EUR1 Full Digital procedure in force since March 1, 2021 can continue to be used.

We would like to remind exporters of the opportunity to obtain authorized exporter status, which allows for the certification of preferential origin of products through a declaration on the invoice or other commercial document.





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