Queue at the gate of La Spezia port - fees increase

Dear costumers,

Because of the current situation of congestion, causing queues of heavy vehicles getting in /coming out from La Spezia port terminals, out company will procede in charging the client the same fee of 150 euros/cntr, highlighting it in the invoice under the item "La Spezia Port increase" until the companies, along with in charge categories' associations, won't find the real conditions of completed functional recovery of trucking-portual operation and won't apply anymore the additional fee.

For more information about it don't hesitate in contacting our offices.

Read the communication from Associazioni dell'Autotrasporto di la Spezia.


  • Hits: 776
GDT Logistic
  • Via XII Ottobre 2 int 42, 16121 Genova (GE)

  • +39 010 53.537.11

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    21010 Cardano al Campo (VA)

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GDT Logistic S.p.a - P.Iva 02249120102 - C.C.I.A.A. GE259729
Capitale Sociale € 1.548.008,00

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